Thursday, September 1, 2011

Opening the Call, being Set Apart

We were happy to have our family gather at our home in person or by phone/Skype to share in this awesome moment with us.  I surprised myself by getting a little teary at several unexpected times throughout the day our letter came.  Guess I'd better get that over now!

A lovely collage of "the opening" by Thea

Joining in via five cell phones spread out in front of us and were Jen, Andrew and family in Oregon, Jared, Jeff and Holly.   Deb and children watched on Skype in California.  The rest of the family, including Thea and Larry McKinney and Calvin and Ashley Skinner were packed into our living room:

Cassidy and Carter

Thea and Larry

Calvin and Ashley, who are house-sitting while we're away

Liz and Rog

Claire and Sienna

Taylor, Rog and Grant, looking at maps of New Brunswick, NJ


We set up a display of some special missionary keepsakes that we received from each of the returned full-time missionaries in our family.  We wanted the children to see how proud we are of our missionaries and for them to see items from their own parent and grandparent (Roger served in Argentina and Deanne served for 5 years as a Stake Missionary in Maryland) and their great grandmother (Maurine Dixon). We are especially pleased with the notebooks full of letters the missionaries sent home.  Things have changed a lot since then and today missionaries typically email their families.  Families will miss the beautiful foreign stamps we received.

Missionary tags in Italian and Spanish

Our living room, set up for opening the call 

 All the missionary displays

 L to R: Maurine (Rog's mother, Guam), Roger (Argentina), Eric (Italy)...

 ...Jennifer (Dominican Republic), Jeff (Chile), Daniel (Fresno, California Spanish-speaking) and Deanne (Stake Missionary in Maryland for 5 years).

The Reason

Set Apart
On October 2, 2011, our Stake President Kevin Anderson and our Bishop Gary Carter & his wife Nari Carter came to our home to set Roger and me apart as missionaries.  We cherished our locally family gathering with us for that event as well.

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